The Amazon jungle is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. It is the lifeblood of the world’s largest ecosystem that spans about two-fifths of the South American continent. More than half all the plant species on the plant are found in the Amazon jungle. It is known as the lungs of the planet due to the amount of oxygen it releases into the atmosphere.
To date, at least 40,000 plant species, 427 mammals (e.g. jaguar, anteater and giant otter), 1,300 birds (e.g. harpy eagle and toucan), 378 reptiles (e.g. anaconda), more than 400 amphibians (e.g. dart poison frog) and around 3,000 freshwater fishes including the piranha have been found in the Amazon.
The pollen composition of this honey is: 97% pink Mimosa silk tree 3% other
Tasting notes: Smoked tropical fruits and an aftertaste of papaya
[Note: This honey does NOT contain any trace of fruit; it is pure, natural honey.]
Texture: Partially fine crystallised set honey
Aroma: Intensely perfumed jungle aroma
Sweetness: medium
The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used medicinally by Mayan civilisations for over 1000 years to relieve a wide range of conditions and ailments.
The pink Mimosa silk tree has been used in Chinese remedies for nearly 2000 years as a natural calming herb. It is known as the “tree of happiness” or the “happiness herb.”
Latin Honey Shop 15+ ACTIVE Raw Organic Amazon Jungle Honey From Brazil (227g)