What is the big deal with Organic?

I was never concerned about organic food until I had my daughter. I was quite young, early twenties. Introducing her to her first solid food felt like a huge responsibility. Here is a vulnerable human being whose every future depends on my decisions. Physical and mental.

As I did my research back in the day on what to feed my children first and how to cook them, I discovered organic food and why it is such a big deal. It was not easy those days to find organic. My family members used to make comments like “You would have to get her food from Mars!” And I wondered why any parent would choose to buy expensive cribs, car seats, clothes, toys but choose to buy non-organic food and feed their family. Why was it not available everywhere?

The big deal with organic food lies in its cultivation and production methods, which prioritize environmental sustainability, animal welfare, health, and the growers’ health.

Going organic is not just a trend, it is the coolest choice for saving the planet. Organic food is the ultimate superhero in the fight for a greener, cleaner world for the next generation.

Food Quality: It has been shown that organically grown food has higher amounts of Vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorous, and iron – all nutrients vital for the healthy functioning of our bodies. Organic fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients and antioxidants, which provide energy and keep you looking young. Data shows that organic milk contains far more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk.

Chemical Chaos: Chemical pesticides and herbicides have been linked to birth defects, obesity, diabetes, ADHD, and of course cancer. Each time you choose organic, you are choosing to leave these chemicals off your and your families’ plates.

By avoiding these harmful chemicals, organic farming helps protect soil health, preserve water quality, and safeguard ecosystems from the adverse effects of chemical pollution. Plus all organic foods are non-GMO.

Make a habit of choosing organic when possible. It is more available now than before. Know your farmers.

Do you think organic is pricey? Organic farming and production practices are costlier and often more time-consuming than conventional methods. Plus, government support for organic production is unequal to the support for conventional agriculture. The love and care that goes into growing organic fruits and vegetables is well worth the investment. Many organic foods cost the same or even less than their conventional counterpart! Demanding more organic options and packing your shopping cart with certified organic foods means a lot; it helps grow the marketplace and change our food system.

Hopefully, we do not have to certify food as organic because every food is organic as it should be!


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